AFP Crecer S.A.
Project description
On July 1, 2014, MIGA issued a guarantee of $92.3 million covering the acquisition of AFP Crecer S.A. in El Salvador by Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones y Cesantias Protección S.A. of Colombia (AFP Protección S.A.). MIGA’s coverage is for a period of up to 10 years against the risks of transfer restriction, expropriation, and war and civil disturbance.
AFP Crecer S.A. is one of two pension fund managers of the Salvadoran Pension Savings System, charged with administering its affiliates’ compulsory pension contributions and underlying funds for and on behalf of the Republic of El Salvador. The company was acquired by AFP Protección in November 2011.
Well-managed and funded pension funds can play a major role in securing the quality of life of aging populations. In addition, pension funds also play a positive role in enhancing the development of national capital markets, including increasing the availability of long-term funds; reducing the cost of capital; encouraging product and financial market innovation; providing alternative sources of financing; and improving corporate governance.