World Bank Group Fiscal Year Data

The Institutions of the World Bank Group
The World Bank Group is the world’s largest source of knowledge and financing for developing countries. It consists of five institutions that share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable growth and development.
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
provides political risk insurance and credit enhancement to investors and lenders to facilitate foreign direct investment in emerging economies.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
provides international facilities for conciliation, mediation, and arbitration of investment disputes.
International Development Association
provides financing on highly concessional terms to governments of the poorest countries.
International Finance Corporation
provides loans, guarantees, equity, and advisory and project development services and mobilizes additional capital from other sources to stimulate private sector investment in developing countries.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
lends to governments of middle-income and creditworthy low-income countries.
World Bank Group Global Commitments
In fiscal 2023, the World Bank Group delivered record levels of financing at an unprecedented pace, conducted in-depth analysis and research, and partnered with governments, the private sector, and other institutions to help developing countries address the wide-ranging impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and work toward a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery.
  • $ 38.6 billion

    Sub-Saharan Africa

  • $ 36.2 billion

    Europe and Central Asia

  • $ 15.4 billion

    South Asia

  • $ 13 billion

    East Asia & Pacific

  • $ 18.2 billion

    Latin America and the Caribbean

  • $ 6.8 billion

    Middle East and North Africa

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
Global CommitmentsLatin AmericaEurope and Central AsiaEast AsiaSouth AsiaSub Saharan AfricaMiddle East Global Commitments

TOTAL $128.3B

in loans, grants, equity investments, and guarantees to partner countries and private businesses.*

* Total includes multiregional and global operations.
In fiscal 2022, IFC changed its mapping of countries to regions. Regional totals reflect IFC commitments that were recalculated to match the World Bank’s regional classifications by aggregating country-level commitments within each World Bank Region.
World Bank Group Financing for Partner Countries

World Bank Group Commitments, Disbursements, and Gross Issuance
by Fiscal year (US$, millions)

Entity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
World Bank Group
Commitmentsa 68,105 83,574 98,830 104,370 128,341
Disbursementsb 49,395 54,367 60,596 67,041 91,391
Commitmentsc 23,191 27,976 30,523 33,072 38,572
Disbursements 20,182 20,238 23,691 28,168 25,504
Commitmentsc, d 21,932 30,365 36,028 37,727 34,245
Disbursements 17,549 21,179d 22,921d 21,214d 27,718
Commitmentse 14,684 17,604 20,669 22,229 27,704
Disbursements 9,074 10,518 11,438 13,198 18,689
Gross Issuance 5,548 3,961 5,199 4,935 6,446
Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account
Commitments 2,749 3,641 6,411 6,407 21,374
Disbursements 2,590 2,433 2,546 4,461 19,480
  1. Includes IBRD, IDA, IFC, Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account (REDA) commitments, and MIGA gross issuance. REDA commitments include all recipient-executed grants.
  2. Includes IBRD, IDA, IFC, and REDA disbursements.
  3. Amounts are net of full terminations and cancellations relating to commitments approved in the same fiscal year.
  4. Commitments and disbursements exclude IDA-IFC-MIGA Private Sector Window (PSW) activities.
  5. Includes long-term commitments for IFC’s own account and short-term finance commitments. Does not include funds mobilized from other investors.
World Bank Group
Commitmentsa 68,105
Disbursementsb 49,395
Commitmentsc 23,191
Disbursements 20,182
Commitmentsc,d 21,932
Disbursements 17,549
Commitmentse 14,684
Disbursements 9,074
Gross Issuance 5,548
Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account
Commitments 2,749
Disbursements 2,590
World Bank Group
Commitmentsa 83,574
Disbursementsb 54,367
Commitmentsc 27,976
Disbursements 20,238
Commitmentsc,d 30,365
Disbursements 21,179d
Commitmentse 17,604
Disbursements 10,518
Gross Issuance 3,961
Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account
Commitments 3,641
Disbursements 2,433
World Bank Group
Commitmentsa 98,830
Disbursementsb 60,596
Commitmentsc 30,523
Disbursements 23,691
Commitmentsc,d 36,028
Disbursements 22,921d
Commitmentse 20,669
Disbursements 11,438
Gross Issuance 5,199
Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account
Commitments 6,411
Disbursements 2,546
World Bank Group
Commitmentsa 104,370
Disbursementsb 67,041
Commitmentsc 33,072
Disbursements 28,168
Commitmentsc,d 37,727
Disbursements 21,214d
Commitmentse 22,229
Disbursements 13,198
Gross Issuance 4,935
Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account
Commitments 6,407
Disbursements 4,461
World Bank Group
Commitmentsa 128,341
Disbursementsb 91,391
Commitmentsc 38,572
Disbursements 25,504
Commitmentsc,d 34,245
Disbursements 27,718
Commitmentse 27,704
Disbursements 18,689
Gross Issuance 6,446
Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account
Commitments 21,374
Disbursements 19,480
  1. Includes IBRD, IDA, IFC, Recipient-Executed Disbursing Account (REDA) commitments, and MIGA gross issuance. REDA commitments include all recipient-executed grants.
  2. Includes IBRD, IDA, IFC, and REDA disbursements.
  3. Amounts are net of full terminations and cancellations relating to commitments approved in the same fiscal year.
  4. Commitments and disbursements exclude IDA-IFC-MIGA Private Sector Window (PSW) activities.
  5. Includes long-term commitments for IFC’s own account and short-term finance commitments. Does not include funds mobilized from other investors.