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MIGA’s goal is to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to support economic growth and more.

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FPSO Kwame Nkrumah MV 21

$225 million
Oil and Gas
Project Brief
Not Active

Project Description

MIGA has issued a guarantee of $225 million to Jubilee Ghana MV 21 B.V. of the Netherlands for its investment in FPSO Kwame Nkrumah MV 21. The guarantee is covering up to $250 million in equity in the form of ownership interest in the FPSO for a period of up to 20 years against the risks of expropriation and war and civil disturbance. The investor has also applied for financing from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group.

Jubilee Ghana MV21 B.V. is a special purpose company incorporated in the Netherlands. They will own a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility, the FPSO Kwame Nkrumah MV 21, for the Phase One development of the Jubilee Field, located 60 kilometers offshore from Ghana. The FPSO will be operated by MODEC Management Services Pte Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of MODEC Inc. of Japan. In July 2008, Tullow Ghana, Ltd. (Tullow Ghana), the operator of the Jubilee Field, awarded MODEC a contract to provide and operate the FPSO. After completion of construction, the FPSO will have a contractual production and processing capacity of 120,000 barrels of oil per day and 160 million cubic feet of gas per day and a storage capacity of 1.6 million barrels of oil. The first oil delivery is expected during the fourth quarter 2010.

The FPSO is one of the essential, central elements of the Phase One development of the Jubilee Field. The construction, installation, and operation of the FPSO will be critical to achieve successful and timely implementation of the Jubilee project in accordance with the Jubilee Field’s Plan of Development, which was approved by the government of Ghana in July 2009. As such, the project will support the development of Ghana’s nascent oil and gas sector and help to secure the significant economic and developmental benefits. These benefits come primarily in the form of notable government revenues from the Jubilee Field, including royalties and taxes of approximately $900 million per year at peak production (based on Phase One production profile from proved reserves and other assumptions such as the prevailing oil price), providing the government with the fiscal space to finance other much-needed development programs.

In addition, development of the Jubilee Field also provides development opportunities along the energy sector value chain, such as the construction of an onshore gas-processing facility that will process the associated gas produced by the FPSO, development of gas distribution infrastructure, development of gas-to-power projects, etc. Once onshore gas infrastructure is in place, the FPSO will become an integral part of the gas supply chain as envisaged by the government. In addition, direct development impacts of the project also include local employment and training of Ghanaian nationals for the oil and gas industry. According to the sponsor’s plan, over 80 percent of their staff will be Ghanaian nationals in five years.

The project also supports MIGA’s strategy of promoting investment in complex projects and in countries eligible for assistance from IDA.
