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World Bank building

MIGA’s goal is to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to support economic growth and more.

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Explore different types of political risk insurance guarantees provided to investors and lenders.

Hyundai building

Explore global projects that support economic growth, reduce poverty and improves people’s lives.

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Learn about the progress MIGA is making in its mission to support economic growth, reduce poverty and improve people’s lives.

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World Bank building

MIGA’s goal is to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to support economic growth and more.

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Hands husking peas into a basket full of peas

Learn about the progress MIGA is making in its mission to support economic growth, reduce poverty and improve people’s lives.

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Young woman bending down to tending to her outside chores

Explore different types of political risk insurance guarantees provided to investors and lenders.

Projects Dropdown Descriptions

Hyundai building

Explore global projects that support economic growth, reduce poverty and improves people’s lives.


International Finance Institutions and Development through the Private Sector


Some 30 international finance institutions (IFIs) have launched a new report, International Finance Institutions and Development through the Private Sector.

 The report finds that IFIs catalyze job creation and growth through the private sector in emerging markets by providing capital, knowledge, advice on standard setting and risk management, and by mobilizing additional resources from other private sector players.

Other key findings:

  • IFIs provide the private sector in developing countries with critical capital and knowledge. Private sector direct foreign investment finance has reached over $40 billion in commitments a year—about 5 percent of capital flows to emerging markets.
  • IFIs help companies set standards and manage risk in areas such as environmental and social standards; corporate governance; health and safety, sponsor, and business integrity; labor and human rights; revenue transparency; and international financial reporting.
  • IFIs catalyze additional financing from other private sector players. Each $1 of capital supplied to IFI’s can lead to $12 in private sector project investment.
  • IFIs support entrepreneurship and innovation, helping demonstrate the viability of private solutions in new or challenging areas.